Framework Programme of the European Union
Project “Problem-oriented Processing and Database
Creation for Ionosphere Exploration” (POPDAT)
started on June 1, 2011. Lviv
Center of Institute for Space Research is an
initiator of the Project together with Space Research Institute (Kyiv).
Efforts of eight organizations from
Germany, Hungary,
Poland and
Ukraine are joined in the Project.
The Project
purpose is
the problem-oriented
processing of
observational data
collected and
stored by
former ionospheric
satellite missions
– their data
mining with
the aim
to create
the database
of ionosphere
waves catalogues.
This is
an urgent
need of
modern space
science because
its realization
will help
to improve
considerably Space
Weather nowcast
and forecast
and to
promote the
progress of
actual today
GMES and
other applied
studies, e.g.,
ionospheric monitoring
of natural
and man-made
hazards. At a
first stage
of the Project
fulfillment, the
different types
of wave
data will
be selected,
processed and
arranged in
topical catalogues:
atmosphere gravity
waves, moving
plasma disturbances
(bubbles, blobs,
TID, etc),
and ELF-VLF plasma
emissions (whistler
waves, hisses,
etc). Then
the Ionosphere
Wave Service
will be
created including
the composition
of catalogues
metadata to
provide useful
tool to
access the
database through
a web portal.
Ionosphere Wave
Service will
be promoted
to a great
number of
scientists and
specialists working
in the
numerous theoretical
and applied
space oriented
branches, such
as space
physics, Solar-terrestrial
connections, Space
Weather, Earth
observation, natural
and man-made
powerful hazards
monitoring, satellites
launches and
exploration, to
name a few.
More details about
Project see on