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[ukr] [rus] [eng]


Main features
 | functioning with turbine and rotor counters of
natural gas; |
 | counting and raising to standard volume
conditions of gas, which has passed through the counter; |
 | usage in gas account node, which are not
supplied with electric power, networking via the interface RS485; |
 | explosion-proof level “1ExibsIIAT4X”,
protection of the frame IP64.

1. Module of the corrector
 | front panel with an electronic block, a
keyboard and an indicator; |
 | container for placing an autonomous
battery charger, pressure transducer, connectors for junctions with a
counter, temperature-sensitive unit, peripheral equipment; |
 | pressure transducer; |
 | autonomous battery charger (lithium
battery with spark-proof circuits); |
 | fastening with rotation possibility; |
2. Temperature-sensitive
3. External power supply
unit with spark-proof circuits and a transformer of the interfaces RS485 «
RS232 .

Accuracy of gas volume counting
Tolerable relative error of
counting of gas volume over the range from 0,25
Рmax tо Рmax and temperature from -30 °С
to 60 °С doesn’t exceed ±
0,5 %.
Pressure measuring
 | strain-gauge transducers of absolute or
excessive pressure; |
 | high boundary value of measured
pressure can be over the range from 0,1 to 10,0 МPа, |
 | limits of tolerable raised error of
counting of gas over the range from 0,25 Rmax tо Rmax don’t exceed ± 0,3%
of high limit of measurement; |
 | of environment from -40 °С
tо 60 °С; |
 | of gas from -30 °С
tо 60 °С; |
Temperature measuring
 | temperature-sensitive unit,
class B, type ТSМ (W100=1,4280)
or ТSP (W100=1,3850); |
 | tolerable boundary value of absolute error at
temperature measuring doesn’t exceed ± 0,2 °С; |
Power supply
Two variants:
 | internal lithium batter (term of
functioning from a lithium battery, capacity 19 А· hour 4 years); |
 | external
source of direct current, voltage from 6 tо 9 V. |
 | dry contacts; |
 | pulses with frequency not more than 1 Hz and
duration not less than 80 mс. |
Configuration, inserting and
taking of data
 | installation of configuration, inserting and
taking of data with the help of keyboard on the front panel or via interface; |
 | possibility of taking into account of real
characteristics of transformation of a temperature-sensitive unit, pressure
transducer over the operating range of temperatures, turbine or rotor counter
with the purpose of accuracy increasing and extending of measured range of
expense. |
History of measurement
Accumulation and preservation of measurement
history of average values of pressure, temperature, volume and gas expenditure
under operating and standard conditions per minute, hour, 24 hours and month
over a period of 60 minutes, 1080 hours, 93 days and nights and 25 months
alphanumeric display LCD reflects in Ukrainian, Russian and English:
 | volume and expenditure of gas under operating
and standard conditions; |
 | values of pressure and temperature; |
 | coefficient of compression; |
 | appearance of supernumerary situations; |
 | other operating parameters. |
Place of installation
On the gas counter or directly near it on the

 | ensuring of graduation of measurement
channels of gas and temperature and self-diagnostics of efficiency; |
 | automatic fixation of time and duration of
supernumerary situations, gas parameters’ changes or configuration (200
events for each kind); |
 | regulated period of measuring of temperature
and pressure from 1 tо
10с with D t =1c; |
 | calculation of parameters’ average value
over a period of supply absence; |
 | availability of 4 access levels for revision
and changing of parameters and configuration; |
 | possibility to regulate contrast of the
indicator’s image depending on temperature of environment; |
 | availability of pulses counter with
possibility of determination of initial count; |
 | availability of output program-directed
signals (two keys), what allows to form directing signals about
supernumerary situations or numeric-pulse code of value, which is being
measured or has been calculated with proportion coefficient, which is being
fixed; |
 | determination of the moment of automatic
change to summer and winter time; |
 | time registration of outer magnetic field’s
influence on results of measuring; |
 | user-friendly menu. |

Additional information

Contact Information
Deputy Director | Adolf
Lukeniuk | Telephone | (380) 322
654-739; 654-651 | FAX | (380) 322
638-244 | Postal address | 5-A Naukova St., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine | E- mail | [email protected] |

[ukr] [rus] [eng]