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OLD Product!

LEMI-420 digital 7-component MTS
(three magnetic + four electric channels) is intended for the measurement of
natural magnetic and electric field components and their variations in
laboratory and field conditions. Its major advantages are very low temporal
drift and high accuracy of measurements, what makes it especially efficient for
deep sounding application. The magnetometer is produced on the base of flux-gate
sensor, all three components of which are implemented in the same housing. The
electrometer has four channels with high input resistance, which can operate
with any type of measuring electrodes. The electronic unit allows acquisition,
processing and storage of data about magnetic and electric fields variations
on the SD card and their transmission to the computer via USB
Built-in GPS receiver provides satellite synchronization of the internal clock
and the coordinates of the MTS location. MTS operation algorithm allows
organizing both autonomous and synchronous operation of a set of the MTS
installed at the studied area. We are flexible to adopt every parameter to your
Magnetic variations
measuring ranges along each component |
70 000 nT |
Resolution |
2 pT |
Long-term zero drift |
± 5 nT/year |
Temperature drift |
< 0.2 nT/°C |
Transformation factor linearity error |
< 0.01% |
Components orthogonality error |
< 30 min of
arc |
Electric voltage total measurement range |
2500 mV |
Resolution |
2 nV |
Input resistance |
10 GOhm |
Sampling rate |
1 per s |
SD card |
8 Gb |
Operating temperature range |
minus 20 to
+60 °C |
Power supply source |
(10-18) V |
Power consumption |
< 1.2 W |
Weight of electronic unit with magnetic
sensor |
2.7 kg |
Length of connecting cable between
magnetic sensor and electronic unit up to |
10 m |
Optional: Cu-CuSO4 electrodes (matched pairs).
