1 | Обнаружение произвольных дефектов в существенно неоднородных материалах | Фізичні методи та засоби конт-ролю середовищ, матеріалів та виробів (Збірник наукових праць IV Міжнар. н-т конф. ЛЕОТЕСТ-99), Київ-Львів, 1999, с.137-140 | V.Korepanov O.Svenson | |
2 | Comparison of magnetometers efficiency for ELF band | Measurement’99 (Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. of Measurement, Smolenice, Slovac Republic, April 26-29, 1999), pp. 195-198 | V.Korepanov R.Berkman |  |
3 | Warning Mission - Present State and Development | Atmospheric and Ionospheric Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes, Ed. by M.Hayakawa, Terra Sci.Publ.Co., Tokyo, 1999, pp. 711-716 | V.Korepanov A.Negoda O.Fedorov | |
4 | Comparative analysis of current density meters operating in space plasma | Adv. Space Res., Vol. 23, No 8, 1999, pp. 1541-1544 | V.Korepanov F.Dudkin |  |
5 | Propagation of electromagnetic waves through the Martian ionosphere | Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 104, No A6, pages 12,705-12,714, June 1, 1999 | O.Melnik amd M. Parrot | |
6 | Advanced field magnetometers | Proceedings of IMEKO-XV World Congress, Osaka, Japan, June 13-18, 1999, pages 101-106 | V.Korepanov R. Berkman et al. | |
7 | Theoretic and experimental investigation of flux-gate magnetometer noise | Proceedings of IMEKO-XV World Congress, Osaka, Japan, June 13-18, 1999, pages 149-156 (4.7.6) | R.Berkman |  |
8 | The feasibility of studying the solar wind magnetosphere interaction by active electromagnetic sounding from outside the magnetosphere | Radio Science, Vol. 34, No 5, pages 1299-1320, Sept.-Oct. 1999 | F.Dudkin M.Gough | |
9 | Turbulent boundary layer as a characteristic feature of the high latitude magnetosphere | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 1, Number3, p.630, 1999 | V.Korepanov S.Savin et al. | |
10 | Research of the possibility to use MIR and International Space Station infrastructure for geophysical and antropogenic electromagnetic exploration | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 1, Number3, p.633, 1999 | V.Korepanov Klimov S.I. et al. | |
11 | Research of Solar-terrestrial connection on new orbits solved by the small satellites with electric propulsion system | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 1, Number3, p.641, 1999 | V.Korepanov Klimov S.I. et al. | |
12 | The Use of Active Experiments for the Study of Space Station Interactions with the Ionosphere | Proceedings of the XXVIth General Assembly of Int. Union of Radio Science, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 13-21, 1999, GH2.P9, p.506 | Klimov S.I. F.L.Dudkin V.Korepanov et al. | |
13 | Solar-Terrestial Dynamics Studies from Radio Sounding of Magnetospheric Boundaries | Proceedings of the XXVIth General Assembly of Int. Union of Radio Science, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 13-21, 1999, GH2.P9, p.782 | V.Korepanov Klimov S.I. et al. | |
14 | Research into the Possibility of Using Mir and the International Space Station Infra-Structures for Natural and Anthropogenic Electromagnetic Exploration | Proceedings of the XXVIth General Assembly of Int. Union of Radio Science, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 13-21, 1999, GH1.16, p.750 | V.Korepanov Klimov S.I. et al. | |
15 | Research of solar-trrestrial connections on new orbits solved by the small satellites with electric propulsion system | Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. of the Int. Academy of Astronautics (IAA) "Small Satellites for Earth Observation", Berlin, April 12-16, 1999, p.67-70 | V.Korepanov S.I.Klimov et al. | |
16 | Smal spatial buoy - nano-satellite - for International Space Station environent investigation | Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. of the Int. Academy of Astronautics (IAA) "Small Satellites for Earth Observation", Berlin, April 12-16, 1999, p.71-74 | V.Korepanov | |
17 | Three independent techniques to study spatial current density | Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. of the Int. Academy of Astronautics (IAA) "Small Satellites for Earth Observation", Berlin, April 12-16, 1999, p.235-238 | V.Korepanov F. Dudkin |  |
18 | The conception of the nano-satellite orbital grouping for space ewather monitoring | Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. of the Int. Academy of Astronautics (IAA) "Small Satellites for Earth Observation", Berlin, April 12-16, 1999, p.359-362 | V.Korepanov Klimov S. et al. | |
19 | The conception of the Space Station Infrastructure use for space weather research | Proceedings of theWorkshop on the Micro-satellite DEMETER "Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions," CNES, July 15-16, 1999, p.67-68 | V.Korepanov Klimov S. | |
20 | Two opportunites to complete the DEMETER data set by DC magnetic field measurements | Proceedings of the Workshop on the micro-satellite DEMETER (Orleans, France, July 15-16, 1999), p. 29 | V.Korepanov | |
21 | “DEMETER” operation coordination with “VARIANT” experiment and ground support | Proceedings of the Workshop on the micro-satellite DEMETER (Orleans, France, July 15-16, 1999), p. 30 | V.Korepanov O. Fedorov | |
22 | Active electromagnetic monitoring of earthquakes | IUGG-99 Birmingham abstracts (July 19-30, 1999), p. A77 | V.Korepanov F. Dudkin | |
23 | Earthquakes predictability: a case study | IUGG-99 Birmingham abstracts (July 19-30, 1999), p. A122 | V.Korepanov Ye.Klymovych P. Maltsev | |
24 | More about the magnetometers noise | IUGG-99 Birmingham abstracts (July 19-30, 1999), p. A381 | V.Korepanov R. Berkman | |
25 | Magnetometer for field surveys: tests and first results | IUGG-99 Birmingham abstracts (July 19-30, 1999), p. A381 | H.-J. Linthe V.Korepanov | |
26 | High-sensitive magnetic cleanliness study – procedure development and test results | IUGG-99 Birmingham abstracts (July 19-30, 1999), p. A384 | K. Pajunpaa V.Korepanov V. Tarassov | |
27 | Calibration of ocean bottom magnetometer | IUGG-99 Birmingham abstracts (July 19-30, 1999), p. B91 | V.Korepanov F. Dudkin | |
28 | New electromagnetic instrumentation for scientific balloons | Proceedings 14th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Re-search, Potsdam, 1999, pp. 149-152 | V.Korepanov R. Berkman | |
29 | Flux-gate magnetometer noise: theoretic and experimental study | Measurement for a sustainable future (Proceedings of 3rd Biennial Conference MSA99, 22-24 September, 1999, Sydney, Australia), pp. 41-44 | V.Korepanov R. Berkman |  |
30 | High-class calibration system for DC magnetometers certification | Measurement for a sustainable future (Proceedings of 3rd Biennial Conference MSA99, 22-24 September, 1999, Sydney, Australia), pp. 59-62 | K. Pajunpaa V.Korepanov F. Dudkin E. Klimovich |  |
31 | Electric field measurements in sea and ground: recent developments and experimental results | Measurement for a sustainable future (Proceedings of 3rd Biennial Conference MSA99, 22-24 September, 1999, Sydney, Australia), pp. 297-300 | V.Korepanov O. Svenson |  |
32 | Експериментальні дослідження стабільності ферозондових магнітометрів | Український метрологічний журнал, 1999, випуск 3, с. 23-25 | V.Korepanov Р. Беркман А. Бест Г.-Й. Лінте Я. Мар’янюк Я. Реда К. Паюнпаа Л. Рахлін | |